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NV Roulot - Liqueur d'Abricot

NV Roulot - Liqueur d'Abricot

$91.00 SGD
Colour : Spirit
Producer : Roulot
Label Name : Liqueur d'Abricot
Country : France
Vintage : NV
Capacity : 500ml - Standard Bottle
Rating : Vinous 93
Tasting Note : The Liqueur d’Abricot is made from a single variety of apricot from Bergerac (as opposed to several for the eau de vie) and done with macerated fruit only. It offers a huge explosion of sweet red and orange fruits, rose petal, cinnamon and mint. It has about 160 grams of residual sugar (30 more than the Citron) and yet it comes across as less sweet an also airier in texture.

Note: All images are for illustrative purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.

$91.00 SGD
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